The Jane Addams Children's Book Award is given annually to a children's book published the preceding year that advances the causes of peace and social equality.

Book cover of They call me Teach : lessons in freedom

They Call Me Teach: Lessons in Freedom

by Cline-Ransome, Lesa
Call Number: xz
Book cover for We are Water Protectors

We are Water Protectors

by Lindstrom, Carole
Call Number: xz
Book cover for The Day You Begin

The Day You Begin

by Woodson, Jacqueline
Call Number: xz

Woodson’s lyrical text and Lopez’s vibrant illustrations work in tandem to create a sense of empathy and understanding between characters who feel outcast because of their different backgrounds and experiences. The day we are brave enough to acknowledge and embrace what makes us different, we can begin to connect to the shared humanity of others.—K - Grade 3

Book cover for Malala's Magic Pencil

Malala's Magic Pencil

by Yousafzai, Malala
Call Number: x 92 Y82
Book cover for Steamboat School

Steamboat School

by Hopkinson, Deborah
Call Number: xz

The inspiring true story of a secret forbidden school for African Americans held on a floating steamboat on the Mississippi River in the 19th century to legally avoid actually being “in the State of Missouri”.

Book cover for New Shoes

New Shoes

by Meyer, Susan
Call Number: xz
Book cover for Separate Is Never Equal

Separate Is Never Equal

by Tonatiuh, Duncan
Call Number: x 370 T663

Almost 10 years before Brown vs. Board of Education, Sylvia Mendez and her parents helped end school segregation in California. An American citizen of Mexican and Puerto Rican heritage who spoke and wrote perfect English, Mendez was denied enrollment to a “Whites only” school. Her parents took action by organizing the Hispanic community and filing a lawsuit in federal district court. Their success eventually brought an end to the era of segregated education in California.

Book cover for Each Kindness

Each Kindness

by Woodson, Jacqueline
Call Number: xz
Book cover for Emma's Poem: The Voice of the Statue of Liberty

Emma's Poem: The Voice of the Statue of Liberty

by Glaser, Linda
Call Number: x 92 L431Gl
Book cover for Planting the Trees of Kenya: The Story of Wangari Maathai

Planting the Trees of Kenya: The Story of Wangari Maathai

by Nivola, Claire A.
Call Number: x 92 M1112Ni
Book cover for Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights

Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights

by Haskins, James
Call Number: x 323.1 H351-2 folio
Book cover for Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez

Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez

by Krull, Kathleen
Call Number: x 92 C512Kr
Book cover for Patrol: An American Soldier in Vietnam

Patrol: An American Soldier in Vietnam

by Myers, Walter Dean
Call Number: x
Book cover for Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

by Rappaport, Doreen
Call Number: x 92 K53Rap
Book cover for The Composition

The Composition

by Skármeta, Antonio
Call Number: x
Book cover for Molly Bannaky

Molly Bannaky

by McGill, Alice
Call Number: x 92 B2183Mc folio
Book cover for Seven Brave Women

Seven Brave Women

by Hearne, Betsy Gould
Call Number: xz
Book cover for Wilma Unlimited

Wilma Unlimited

by Krull, Kathleen
Call Number: x 796 R917Kr 2000
Book cover for Sitti's Secrets

Sitti's Secrets

by Nye, Naomi Shihab
Call Number: xz Ed.a
Book cover for This Land is My Land

This Land is My Land

by Littlechild, George
Call Number: x 970 L779 folio
Book cover for Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky

Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky

by Ringgold, Faith
Call Number: xz folio