
Darcy Caotes' Where He Can't Find You began with a bang and did not stop for a single second! The author's narrative and speech created incredible suspense and tension. I held my breath throughout the most intense portions, my heart racing, unsure what would happen next —realizing I wasn't prepared for whatever horror might soon leap off the pages. The novel reads like a ghost story that would haunt your dreams forever. It was tough to put it down, even for a few minutes. Without life's interruptions, I would have finished the novel in one sitting. I adored our protagonists' friendships, which is surprising given that they are only teenagers. Each of them is extremely well-developed and likable, with different personalities. Their dedication to one another makes you like them even more. As the book nears its conclusion, you find yourself rooting for them, fiercely protecting them, and utterly immersed in what happens to them, good or evil.

The novel includes a superbly crafted villain! Even the name—the Stitcher—evokes horrible and terrifying images. Eerie, oh very eerie, and terrifying! It was certainly memorable, frightening, and the stuff of nightmares. I found this book difficult to read at night since every sound in my house made me jump. I couldn't have asked for a nicer ending! It gave me goosebumps. I didn't want the book to finish since I loved it so much! (What a beautifully-frightening film this would make!). Fans of ghost stories, horror books, and night owls everywhere should read Darcy Coates' work! All you have to lose is a little (or maybe a lot) of sleep.

Review by: Erick R.

Erick is a volunteer at Sylmar Branch Library. He is a 12th grader at Vaughn International Study Academy.

—Dana Eklund, Sylmar Branch Library