1000 incredible costume & cosplay ideas : a showcase of creative characters from anime, manga, video games, movies, comics and more!
Provides a broad and detailed glimpse into the ingenious artistry and attention to detail behind some of the most fabulous costumes you can find.

Cosplay in libraries : how to embrace costume play in your library
What is cosplay? -- Getting started: tools of the trade -- Places to go, people to see -- Cosfamous -- Libraries embracing cosplay -- Cosplay programming for libraries

Cosplay world
Filled with striking images of costume play from around the world, this definitive look at the global phenomenon known as "cosplay" examines its evolution from the fringes of society to the spotlight of modern culture.

Costume making guide : creating armor & props for cosplay
What is cosplay? -- Why cosplay? -- Choosing a costume -- Finding good reference material -- Searching for inspiration -- What you need to get started -- Useful tools and materials -- Safety first! -- How to create a bracer : basic techniques from pattern making and shaping Worbla to priming, painting with acrylics, sealing and creating attachments -- How to create a breastplate : working with EVA foam, sealing with Plasti Dip and applying spray paint -- How to create a pauldron : shaping Worbla, applying and sanding spray filler and automotive spray paint -- How to create an axe : creating an EVA foam axe from a blueprint to the final prop -- How to create a sword : combining balsa wood and Worbla for prop creation -- A complete costume from start to finish : the entire construction process of a cosplay from the first thought to the final photo -- What's next : what to do once you've made your epic costume -- Costume inspiration gallery : more inspiring costumes by talented artists.

Creating the character costume : tools, tips, and talks with top costumers and cosplayers
Many beginning and hobbyist costumers believe that professional costume/prop builders have unlimited and specialized resources with which to ply their craft. More often than not the pros create things in much the same way that hobbyists do, working as resourcefully and creatively as possible with a limited budget. Creating the Character Costume dives into these methods to showcase how to achieve expert looks with limited means and lots of creativity.

Epic cosplay costumes : a step-by-step guide to making and sewing your own costume designs
Presented in a kitschy, comic-book style, Epic Cosplay Costumes combines fantabulous illustrations with all the how-to information you need for creating your own cosplay designs. Award-winning artist Kristie Good (aka Karmada) shares techniques for making must-have pieces to mix and match into original costumes--from hand-sewn garments to armor made with Worbla and EVA foam.

Getting paid to make cosplay costumes and props
This title will help young readers discover how a little education, practice, and networking can bring their cosplay game to the next level. Part acting, part design, and part promotion, becoming a professional cosplayer will also result in many friends and admirers, not to mention sparkling LEDs, brilliant metalwork, and perfectly spiked hair.

Make : props and costume armor : create realistic science fiction and fantasy weapons, armor, and accessories

Steampunk & cosplay : fashion design & illustration
More than 50 ideas for learning to design your own Neo-Victorian costumes and accessories. Steampunk & Cosplay : Fashion Design & Illustration is designed to appeal to both fashion enthusiasts and steampunk cosplay fans alike.

Steampunk your wardrobe : easy projects to add Victorian flair to everyday fashions
Learn how to sew a ruffle and modify garments in the nouveau Victorian style to spruce up your Steam-y wardrobe. Some projects require sewing machine skills.