If you are searching for a horror/mystery/thriller-type book, look no further than And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. This book discusses ten guests being tricked into being sent to Soldier Island in Southwest England. The story is about the mysterious disappearances of the guests living on the island. It explains what the guests think and how terrified they are of dying and being killed by a crazy lunatic on the island.
And Then There Were None is a true depiction of horror, full of surprises that keep you guessing about what is happening and who the killer is. The author shows her way of explaining this story very well, with a backstory for each character. And Then There Were None will keep you on the edge of your seat and make you want to continue reading. It’s a breathtaking story of surprises, providing a unique horror experience from the characters’ perspectives. It shows how afraid the characters are of dying and how frightened they become. The book's mystery will make you want to keep reading and predicting what will happen next. This book has also won the Mystery Writers of America's highest honor, the Grand Master Award, an award from the best mystery writers. If you are looking for a book with horror and a lot of mystery, And Then There Were None provides a unique mystery and horror experience.
Review by: Joseph D.
Joseph is a virtual volunteer at Sylmar Branch Library. He is an 8th grader at St. John Baptist De La Salle Catholic School.
—Dana Eklund, Sylmar Branch Library