
Jessica Cunsolo's Belong With Me follows Siena Amato, a newbie to King City whose life is upended by a classmate's disappearance. Siena's search for normalcy and family becomes a terrifying ordeal as she becomes the leading suspect. As Siena navigates her new existence and faces peer and police scrutiny, suspicion weighs on her. Siena falls for Jason Parker, a charming but enigmatic man with a reputation, despite her best efforts to stay hidden. Siena is drawn to Jason but knows he could endanger her vulnerable circumstances. Siena realizes that Jason is not the reckless delinquent he seems as they work together to solve their friend's abduction. He is an unexpected ally who believes in her innocence and stands by her even when the chances are against them. Siena and Jason face dark secrets and frightening enemies as they investigate King City. Despite the chaos and uncertainty, their trust and determination strengthen their bond.

Belong With Me is a fascinating story of love, devotion, and truth-seeking in the face of hardship. This novel's vivid characters, sophisticated plot twists, and evocative setting will keep readers guessing until the end. It is a tale of redemption and resilience, where unusual heroes overcome obstacles and regain their destiny.

Great end!

Review by: Erick R.

Erick is a volunteer at Sylmar Branch Library. He is a 12th grader at Vaughn International Study Academy.

—Dana Eklund, Sylmar Branch Library