
Deep and Dark and Dangerous is an interesting ghost story for children. It follows a young 13-year-old, Ali, who finds a strange picture of her mom and Aunt Dulcie with two other people, one who is ripped out of the image. After finding this in her attic, she is filled with so many unanswered questions that her mom brushes off. While on vacation with her Aunt Dulcie and her little sister Emma, the answers and clues start unraveling. Ali befriends an odd girl, Sissy, who's a troublemaker and is always mentioning the unusual drowning of a girl in the lake back when Ali’s mother and aunt were children. Ali ends up figuring out the chilling answers, leaving the reader intrigued.

This ghost tale is certain to have a reader not wanting to put down the book. Each page has the reader pulled in and trying to figure out the clues to this mystery. The shocking twists in the novel were a genius element that made the reading entertaining.

Review by: Johana Vargas

Johana is a virtual volunteer at Sylmar Branch Library. She is a 12th grader at Orthopaedic Hospital Medical Magnet High School.

—Dana Eklund, Young Adult Librarian, Sylmar Branch Library