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Book cover of The lost story : a novel
Shaffer, Meg
Reviewed by: Daryl M., Librarian, West Valley Regional Branch Library
Fifteen years ago, Jeremy and Ralph disappeared while on an end of the school year field trip to Red Crow State Forest in West Virginia. One moment, they were there, and then they were gone. The forest was repeatedly searched, but no signs of the boys were ever found. And then, six months later, they were discovered walking out of the forest by a pair of hikers. Ralph had been badly hurt, and Jeremy was carrying him. Medical treatment was summoned, and both boys were hospitalized and examined. Jeremy was in perfect health. Ralph had a series of long-healed scars on his back. Both boys claimed to have no memory of where they had been or how they had survived for six months in a forest that had been thoroughly searched for them.Read Full Review

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