The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

Facility Rental - Policies

The Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) has facilities and meeting rooms available for public use. Facilities and meeting rooms must be reserved in advance and an application must be completed. LAPL does not discriminate in making its premises available for use on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age or physical limitation. The fact that a group or organization is granted permission to meet in the Library in no way constitutes endorsement of the policies or beliefs of that organization by the Library or City of Los Angeles.


LAPL in its sole discretion will determine the number of events to be held on a daily basis and/or simultaneously in its facilities.

  • The Los Angeles Public Library has first priority on all dates. LAPL also has the right to preempt any event for a Library event. In such rare instances, the Library will put forth every reasonable effort to assist the group in reserving another date or Library facility.
  • The Library Foundation of Los Angeles and its major donors and other LAPL support groups have second priority on all dates.
  • Neighborhood councils have third priority on all dates.
  • All other organizations, municipal agencies, individuals and groups have fourth priority on all dates, and may reserve events on a first come, first serve basis.


Outside (non-City) individuals and groups that use City facilities for meetings and events must comply with the standard insurance and indemnification requirements that are established by the City.


The Los Angeles Public Library encourages the use of its meeting rooms by public and private groups for cultural and community programs and meetings. To allow for diverse use, weekly classes are not permitted unless it is a Library program.

It is highly recommended that Library meeting rooms and venues be used only during the hours the Library is open to the public. If a meeting room must be scheduled outside the Library’s service hours, an additional form related to staff and fees must be completed.

Damage or misuse of Library property may affect the ability to utilize the meeting venue in the future.


The Board of Library Commissioners approves the fines and fees charged by the Library on an annual basis. The facility rental fees and staff service fees are included in a separate attachment.

Waiving of Fees

  1. The City Librarian, or his/her designee, determines whether or not fees will be waived utilizing the guidelines listed under number 3 of this section. An Application for Fee Waiver must accompany the Application for Use of Facility.
  2. For all events, staff fees as related to security, event coordinator, audio visual coordinator, event attendants, custodial, etc. are not waived.
  3. The following are the conditions by which facility fees can be waived:

    The event is open to the general public free of charge and is educational and cultural in nature.

    The event is conducted or actively co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Public Library.

    The event is conducted by the Library Foundation or other LAPL support group.

    The event is sponsored by the Library Foundation donor as delineated in the Fines and Fees schedule as approved by the Library Commission.

    The event is conducted by a neighborhood council.

    The event is conducted by a City of Los Angeles department or commission, county, state, federal or municipal organization and is open to the public or community groups.

    The event is conducted by an elected official and is open to the public or community groups.
  4. Conditions in which facility fees are not waived:

    The event charges admission and is not sponsored by the Library Foundation or a Library support group.

    Events in which present or future financial gain is sought such as: Exhibits of displayed artwork for sale; educational seminars whose purpose is the future sale of financial services or other products, etc.
    Staff meetings of City, county, state, federal, municipal or other organizations.

    Events held by an elected official or any organization that involve raising funds for a political campaign.

    Meetings that are intended for members of a club or group.
