The library's catalog, e-media, databases, and cardholder accounts will be unavailable for several hours beginning Saturday, March 1, at 5:30 p.m. for maintenance.

Military and Industry Standards and Specifications

International Standards and Specifications

Although international standards are not carried at Los Angeles Public Library, publications about ISO Standards 9000 and 14000 are listed in the Online Catalog and available in the Business and Economics Department.

International Standards and Specifications on the Internet:

United States Industry Standards and Specifications

Los Angeles Public Library holds current standards and specifications from selected U.S. professional societies. Standards in PAPER are shelved in Room Reference. MicroFILM cartridges are stored in Science Department open stacks drawers. Cartridge and frame locations are listed in the Information Handling Services (IHS) indexes at the Science Reference Desk:

United States Standards and Specifications on the Internet:

Standards and Specifications Handbooks

Los Angeles Public Library subscribes to handbooks from professional societies given the authority of standards in their fields, including the ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) Handbook (SCIENCE: 697 A11-6), the IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) Handbook (SCIENCE: 621.32 I29, I29-1) and the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Handbook (SCIENCE: 629.202 S678).

Standards and Specifications Handbooks Organizations on the Internet:

Standards Listing Directories

The multi-volume Index and Directory of Industry Standards (SCIENCE: 605.02 I385) indexes publications of U.S. and international standards organizations and provides contact information for issuing associations. The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) publication KWIC Index of International Standards (SCIENCE: 605 K985) lists key word access to standards of international organizations.

State and Local Standards and Specifications

California standards include Caltrans Standard Specifications (SCIENCE 625.7003 C153), the Department of Water Resources California Well Standards (SCIENCE 631.709794 C153), and the State Architect's California State Accessibility Standards (ART 720.91 C1538-2).

State and Local Standards and Specifications on the Internet:

Federal and Military Standards and Specifications

Aids to identification include the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) (SCIENCE: 605.02 I385-1) and the Office of Federal Supply and Services Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and commercial Item Descriptions (BUSINESS: 658.66 I385).

  • Federal procurement resources in the Business Department include:
  • Commercial and Government (CAGE) listing [FICHE: SuDoc D7.6/2-2],
  • Federal Procurement Data System Product and Service Codes [PAPER: 658.66 F2935-2]
  • Master Cross Reference List (MCRL) [FICHE: SuDoc D7.20-2]
  • Identification List [FICHE: SuDoc D7.25]
  • Consolidated Management Data List (ML-C Basic) [FICHE: SuDoc D7.29/6:9] .

Other Federal Standards resources:

Federal and Military Standards and Specifications on the Internet

