The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

Representative Maps in Los Angeles History and Growth

These maps are in the microform set (aperture cards) kept at the History Department Reference desk and can be requested five at a time to be viewed and copied on fiche readers at the electronic island in the History department. The following list is a representative list of maps showing the growth and development of the city from the first map in 1849 to more modern times. There are other maps in the series on many other facets of Los Angeles mapping but these are useful examples of the general layout of the city and metropolitan area. These maps are filed by document number as is listed first in this collection, then the mapmaker is listed and the year, followed by a brief explanation of the contents.

  • HS 270 Ord 1849 Plan de Ciudad de Los Angeles.
    First map of the city including street names.
  • HS 79 Hansen 1857 Plan de Ciudad de Los Angeles.
    Overlay on the Ord survey extending area county wide and showing land parcels.
  • HS 106 Stevenson 1876 City of Los Angeles
  • HS 255 or 299 Wildy 1877 County of Los Angeles
    Difficult to read as copy is poor.
  • HS 258 Stevenson 1881 County of Los Angeles
  • HS 93 Stevenson 1884 City of Los Angeles or HS 5573 on 2 frames
  • HS 70 Rowan 1888 Official Map of Los Angeles county
  • HS 78 Grider 1895 City of Los Angeles
  • HS 75 Wright 1898 Official Map of Los Angeles county
  • HS 28 Ruegers 1902 Greater Los Angeles
  • HS 95 Whitlock 1906 City of Los Angeles
  • HS 23 Jacobs and Rock 1907 City of Los Angeles and vicinity
  • HS 40 Viole 1914 Los Angeles and surrounding area
  • HS 11 Donald 1921 Greater Los Angeles
  • HS 29 Sims 1926 Metropolitan area of Los Angeles
  • HS 4 Bridwell 1929 Map of Los Angeles county
  • HS 191 Saunders 1930 City of Los Angeles
  • HS 483 Clason 1931 Los Angeles and vicinity
  • HS 7 Hosking 1934 Los Angeles and Metropolitan districts
  • HS 98 Metsker 1942 Los Angeles county

From the 1940s to the present we have hard copy maps showing the city including Gillespie, Renie and Thomas brothers street guides and fold out maps including Bekins, Hills, Clasons, Auto Club and more.

