The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

Job Hunting and Money Guides

Los Angeles Public Library's Job Hunting Guide

This guide lists more than 200 employment-related Web sites and resources, offers referrals to assistance available in-person and by telephone, and highlights selected online and print resources available from the library.  The guide is designed for first-time job seekers, the unemployed, job seekers making career transitions, and employers with job opportunities.

LAPL's Financial Resource Guide

You work for your money. Learn how to make your money work for you.
Visit the Los Angeles Public Library's Financial Resource Guide for library and online resources providing information, education, and tools covering savings, credit, investments, budgeting, financial planning, and consumer protection. Career Center LogoThe Los Angeles Public Library offers free online career tutoring and resources from




Cal Jobs LogoCalJOBS is a new enhanced online resource to navigate California's workforce services and provide employment and labor market information for the state. Users can search for jobs, build résumés, access career resources, find qualified candidates for employment, and gather information on education and training programs.

WorkSource Centers

WorkSource Centers offer assistance in multiple languages, including Armenian, Farsi, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Tagalog. Find your local Center.
