The Library will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Visit our branch page for updated hours and closures. | Visita nuestra página de sucursales para obtener información actualizada sobre horarios y cierres.

Emergency Information and Resources

STEAM Resources

At-Home STEM Learning Resources for Parents & Educators

Science at Home Videos

These playlists of librarian-produced videos demonstrate science concepts with easy, family-friendly home experiments.

  • Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE)

    CADRE is a network for STEM education researchers funded by the National Science Foundation's Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12) program. Its online learning toolkit offers a wide variety of activities (online curriculum, modules, and/or simulations), tools (apps and general resources), as well as tips to support remote student learning or teacher professional development. Best yet, you can search activities by grade level, content area, type (activity, tip, tool) and/or learner (student, teacher).

  • NSTA Classroom Resources

    These classroom resources—over 800 lesson plans, book chapters, videos, simulations, and more—are vetted by NSTA curators who recommend ways to adapt them to be more in line with the vision of the NGSS.

  • Science Friday

    Science Friday partners with educators and scientists to create free STEM activities, lessons, and resources for all learners. Tired of doing activities? Take a break and check out interesting science podcasts!

  • SciFri Book Club

    The SciFri Book Club hopes to bring people together around all things science reading — anything from sci-fi short stories to nonfiction science books to science articles, and even some science-y poetry! The SciFri Book Club was created by Science Friday.

  • PBS Learning Media

    PBS SoCal | KCET and PBS have curated FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more just for teachers and parents!

  • STAR_Net STEM Clearinghouse

    Parents, educators or students can find high quality, vetted STEM activities to supplement school curricula or just for fun at home! You can search by audience, content level, and difficulty, among others. You can also browse collections that we've curated just for you! Almost all the activities in the Clearinghouse have pictures or videos of real libraries doing these activities.

  • NASA STEM @ Home

    Want to build a moon habitat or launch a rocket? Check out NASA’s STEM @ Home page! They even included a good selection of age-appropriate STEM ebooks to download and read! Search activities for students and teachers by grade level, type, and subject.

  • Stuck at Home Science by California Science Center

    The page offers fun science activities for families using household supplies. Check back every weekday at 10a.m. for a new activity!

  • STEM/STEAM Learning and Crafts by Scholastics

    The page offers a good mix of fun STEM/STEAM activities to do at home.

  • Keep Learning Resources for Families

    Families in Schools puts together an excellent list of online learning resources for families. Check out the “science” section on the Keep Learning resource page for websites where you can find fun and engaging science activities for your children or students!

  • Hacking STEM Library by Microsoft

    Browse for downloadable, hands-on, teacher-tested projects and activities that use everyday materials to make STEM affordable, accessible, and fun for everyone.

  • Amazon Future Engineer

    Amazon Future Engineer is offering free online computer science classes for any student or teacher in the United States affected by school closures due to COVID-19. All middle and high school classes, including Advanced Placement, are provided through Edhesive. Students and teachers will maintain free access through August 31, 2020. Amazon Future Engineer will continue to closely monitor the needs of students and teachers going forward.

  • CS Unplugged

    Learn computer science without a computer! CS Unplugged is a collection of free teaching materials that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles using cards, string, crayons and lots of running around.

  • Code at Home by Girls Who Code (GWC)

    Girls Who Code is making CS educational activities available for download free of charge, to anyone who wants to access them. Activities are released weekly — some online, some offline, of varying levels of difficulty—over the course of the next few months. Each activity will include a feature of a woman in tech who pioneered innovative technology.

  • STEM@Home: COVID-19 Resources Library - Activities for Children by STEM Learning Ecosystem (SLECoP)

    The SLECoP is organizing a series of webinars, virtual workshops and activities for parents, educators, school administrators and anyone who have students in their care. These webinars are intended to help them with practical tips they can employ for how to keep their children engaged and learning with STEM at Home. You can also contribute and add some awesome resources you come across here!

Learning Resources About Coronavirus

Interested in teaching or learning about a current world event (phenomenon-driven) lesson on COVID-19? Try the following links.
