Everyone, regardless of immigration status, is protected by certain rights under the U.S. Constitution. Understanding your rights can make a huge difference! Make sure you, your family, and loved ones know your rights.
Be Ready!
- Make an Emergency Family Preparedness Plan
- Learn Your Immigration Options
- Know Your Rights
- Find your Know Your Rights cards
Know Your Rights Presentation (English)
Presented by: Immigrant Defenders Law Center and LA County Office of Immigrant Affairs
This Know Your Rights presentation for the immigrant community covers topics such as humanitarian immigration relief, immigration court procedures, and your Constitutional rights in the United States of America. This presentation will include important information about avoiding immigration fraud and will cover recent policy changes, how to protect your community, and how to stay safe.
Emergency Family Preparedness Plan
- Choose an emergency contact and memorize their phone number. An emergency contact can be someone you trust – a family member, friend, community leader, or a lawyer.
- Organize your documents and keep them in a safe place that your emergency contacts have access to.
Recommended Resources
- Family Preparedness Toolkit (English)
- Family Preparedness Toolkit (Spanish)
Learn Immigration Options
Getting a proper legal consultation from a trusted expert is crucial in family preparedness planning since they can better determine if you are currently eligible for any immigration benefit.
For your protection, it is not recommended that you seek assistance from “notarios” who are not licensed to practice law. Remember: A public notary who is not a licensed attorney cannot fill out or file immigration forms on your behalf. They also should not give you legal advice.
You can find trusted providers through the New Americans Initiative. Schedule a consultation on the appointment page.
Finding a Person in Detention
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO)
- ICE Detention Reporting and Information Line - Requests for basic case information and many other things.
- Online Detainee Locator System (Select language) - Please know that this system can only find people who have been in custody for more than 48 hours. Also, this record system cannot search for records for people under the age of 18. View instructions by Immigrant Defenders Law Center to find a person in detention
Know Your Individual Rights in the Workplace
National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON)
- Know Your Rights (English)
- Conoce tus Derechos (Spanish)
Guide for Employers: What to Do if Immigration Comes to Your Workplace
Healthcare Rights and Public Charge Questions
- Benefits Access for Immigrants Los Angeles (BAILA) Network - Offers benefits enrollment assistance, including answering questions about eligibility and public charge.
Know Your Rights for Nonprofit and Small Businesses
Public Counsel
- Public Counsel’s training on nonprofit and business owners’ rights when interacting with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel. Public Counsel is a nonprofit law firm.
- Find the training recording and slides presented by Public Counsel (English recording, English slides, Spanish recording, Spanish slides).
Rapid Response Phone Numbers for Los Angeles
- Southern California Rapid Response Network - Call (888) 624-4752 to report immigration enforcement and request referrals for legal immigration and other support services.
- Immigrant Defenders Law Center - Call (213) 833-8283 to assist a relative or community member who has been detained by Immigration Enforcement. Calls will be responded to Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We value your privacy and your rights as a resident in Los Angeles. All information is confidential and services in the library are all free. Questions? Call us at 213-228-7390.