An index to fiction for adults which takes place in California. Can be searched by author, title, locale, decade in which story takes place, and major characters.
- Type your search term(s) in one or more of the search boxes.
- Use an ampersand (&) between words if you want each word to be present.
- Use a slash (/) between words to indicate that either word need be present.
- Words without an ampersand (&) or slash (/) between them will search for that exact phrase
- Use an asterisk (*) to truncate your search term(s).
- When searching locales, enter name of city; if searching by county, use the code from this list.
- When searching decades, use this format - "1950s".
- When searching names use "Lastname, Firstname" format,
or first and last name in separate search boxes.
County | Code | County | Code | County | Code |
Alameda | ALA | Marin | MAR | San Luis Obispo | SLO |
Alpine | ALP | Mariposa | MRP | San Mateo | SMT |
Amador | AMA | Mendocino | MEN | Santa Barbara | SBR |
Butte | BUT | Merced | MER | Santa Clara | SCL |
Calaveras | CAL | Modoc | MOD | Santa Cruz | SCR |
Colusa | COL | Mono | MOO | Shasta | SHA |
Contra Costa | CON | Monterey | MON | Sierra | SIE |
Del Norte | DEL | Napa | NAP | Siskiyou | SIS |
El Dorado | ELD | Nevada | NEV | Solano | SOL |
Fresno | FRE | Orange | ORA | Sonoma | SON |
Glenn | GLE | Placer | PLA | Stanislaus | STA |
Humboldt | HUM | Plumas | PLU | Sutter | SUT |
Imperial | IMP | Riverside | RIV | Tehama | THE |
Inyo | INY | Sacremento | SAC | Trinity | TRI |
Kern | KER | San Benito | SBT | Tulare | TUL |
Kings | KIN | San Bernardino | SBD | Tuolumne | TUO |
Lake | LAK | San Diego | SDG | Ventura | VEN |
Lassen | LAS | San Francisco | SFO | Yolo | YOL |
Los Angeles | LAC | San Joaquin | SJO | Yuba | YUB |
Madera | MAD | Hide table |