Emergency Information and Resources

NeiSci - Family-Friendly Research

Fun science projects you can do to help save the world while staying at home or out exploring your neighborhood.

  • Crowd the Tap (Submit your data)
    Help researchers create a national inventory of water pipes by finding out the type of water pipe in your home.
  • Earth Challenge (iOS | Android)
    Use the app to monitor threats to environmental and human health in their communities and drive meaningful environmental action. This open data platform makes it easier for researchers to find and access high-quality information and use citizen science data for policy assessments.
  • EPA Smoke Sense (iOS | Android)
    Help EPA researchers further their study on how exposure to wildfire smoke impacts public health and improves health risk communication methods. Use the app to report your health symptoms, smoke experience, observations, and behaviors taken to reduce your exposure to smoke anonymously. The app maps current wildfire locations and provides current and forecasted air quality measures. You can also learn about wildfires and smoke health risks in your area.
  • Globe at Night (Submit your data)
    Help researchers build the best global map of light pollution, the modern problem that has stolen starlight from the urbanized world. Just follow six simple steps to measure & submit the night sky brightness observations in your neighborhood or from your street.
  • iNaturalist (iOS | Android)
    Come across a bug, animals, tree, or plant you've never seen before? Snap a photo and upload it to the app using your smart device or desktop computer with internet, it will help you identify your observations with the help of built-in Artificial Intelligence (AI), amateur naturalists, hobbyists, and professional scientists from around the globe, who are part of the iNaturalist community. When your observations reach Research Grade they become important data that can be used for real scientific research. You are also helping the world to learn more about the biodiversity in your community.
  • Loss of the Night (Android | iOS)
    Uses the camera feature on your smart device to help measure light pollution in your neighborhood and share your observation with real scientists. You can even learn some stargazing skills.
  • Night Sky Light Pollution (iOS | Android) project on Anecdata.org.
    Help astronomers measure light pollution at night by taking photos of the sky with your smartphone. You will also need to download a DSLR camera app that allows you to adjust the ISO of your smart device's camera.
  • NASA GLOBE Observer (iOS | Android)
    Make environmental observations that complement NASA satellite observations to help scientists studying Earth and the global environment. By using the GLOBE Observer app, you are joining the GLOBE community and contributing important scientific data to NASA and GLOBE, your local community, and students and scientists worldwide. Try one of the following projects (aka protocols) to start.
    • Mosquito Habitats Mapper Protocol
      Help NASA scientists track and predict the spread of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne disease outbreaks across the globe. Tutorials included.
    • Clouds Protocol
      Help NASA scientists and researchers validate their satellite data on clouds. Tutorials included.
    • Trees Protocol
      Take tree height and circumference measurements in your neighborhood to help scientists and researchers. Your observation can help improve their satellites' accuracy in measuring the height of features on Earth's surface. Scientists can also better understand how trees help us balance Earth's carbon budget. Tutorials included in the app.
  • NASA Silent Earth Project. Download the Anecdata.org app (iOS | Android)
    Learn about environmental noise pollution and use your smartphone to make sound level measurements and share it on a world map. The goal is to discover the quietest outdoor places in your town, rural location, or even just right outside of your front door.
  • Seek by iNaturalist (iOS | Android)
    Kid-friendly version of iNaturalist.
