The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

Housing & Utilities

Help for homeless Veterans - 1-877-4AID-VET (424-3838)
HUD-VASH information and eligibility criteria.

Temporary Housing and Food

CalVet Veterans Homes - The West Los Angeles facility operates an 84-bed transitional housing program that provides room and board, three meals plus snacks, medical care and medications, limited transportation services, activities, and housekeeping. In order to be eligible, Veterans must complete the VA Domiciliary treatment program. For information please call CalVet at 424-832-8219 or 916-503-8094

PATH (People Assisting the Homeless)  - Offers temporary and long-term housing as well as other supportive services. Please call 323-644-2216 for more information.

Weingart Center for the Homeless - The Weingart provides Veterans with housing for up to two years as well as a wide array of supportive services to help them find and lead productive, self-sufficient lives.

Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority (LAHSA) -  LAHSA’s mission is to support, create and sustain solutions to homelessness in Los Angeles County by providing leadership, advocacy, planning, and management of program funding.

New Directions - New Directions operates four residential facilities in Wes Los Angeles. Call 310-914-4045 for more information.

Volunteers of America L.A.(VOALA) - Veterans services include: emergency and transitional housing, mental health and substance abuse counseling, suicide prevention, advocacy, education, job training, child care, recreational therapy, and access to legal services.

Salvation Army of Southern California - The Salvation Army operates six programs in Southern California that address homelessness, substance abuse, recovery, and treatment of mental illness.

U.S. Vets -  U.S. Vets offers a wide range of programs designed specifically to address the unique needs of Veterans. Their Veterans services include a re-entry program, supportive housing, permanent housing and other supportive services.

SRO Housing Corporation - Their Veterans Transitional Program (VTP) operates 60 units of transitional, sober-living housing for homeless Veterans. Most participants are referred by the VA and are required to have a minimum of 60 days of sobriety upon entrance. For more information call 213-633-5464

Step Up on Second - Step Up provides help, hope, and a home for individuals experiencing mental health issues in Santa Monica and beyond. Contact them at 310-394-6889 to find out about their services for Veterans.

The Midnight Mission - The Midnight Mission provides emergency services, 12-step recovery program, job training, education and work programs. Their emergency services offer transitional stay for the homeless and meals.

Food Pantries - A compiled list of food pantries and food banks in California.

Cal Fresh - The Cal Fresh program can add to your food budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table. The program issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used to buy most foods at many markets and food stores.


Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes - The CSAH offers Emergency Financial Aid to disabled American Veterans from Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom in the form of financial assistance with utility bills, car payments, mortgage/rent, groceries, school supplies and medical bills.

DMV Veterans and Military Personnel Information - Information about services provided by the DMV to military  members and Veterans.

Veterans of Foreign Wars - Unmet Needs Grant - The program provides financial aid of up to $2,500 to assist with basic life needs in the form of a grant. For more information including eligibility and criteria please call 1-866-789-6333.

Home Ownership and Assistance

VA Home Loan Eligibility - The VA provides a home loan guaranty benefit and other housing-related programs to help buy, build, retain, or adapt a home.

CalVet Home Loans - CalVet offers home loans at below market interest rates. For eligibility criteria and information please call 1-866-653-2510.

Rebuilding Together - Rebuilding Together provides extensive home rehabilitation and modification services to homeowners in-need. Services include critical repairs, accessibility modifications, and energy efficient upgrades.

Habitat for Humanity - Their Veterans Build program offers affordable home ownership opportunities. They also can assist with home repair and weatherization.

