Libraries will open Thursday, January 9 from 12 - 5:30 p.m. Visit our branch page for updated hours and closures.

Las bibliotecas abrirán el jueves 9 de enero de 12 - 5:30 p.m. Visita nuestra página de sucursales para obtener información actualizada sobre horarios y cierres.

NeiSci Curriculum: Globe At Night

Globe At Night logo


Lessons are short moments of NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) aligned direct instruction in the format of either video or slides that inform participants of the knowledge necessary to participate in Citizen Science activities.


Activities frame the moments of Citizen Science participation through hands-on exploration and creation, which includes the activity of using the Neighborhood Science kits to collect data.

The Value of the Night Sky

15 minute lesson

The night sky is a window into the wonders of the cosmos. It provides a connection to the universe that has defined a part of who we are as people.



The Value of the Night Sky slide deck cover


The Value of the Night Sky activity sheet cover

What is Light Pollution?

15 minute lesson

Light pollution is a side effect of modern civilization. This brightening of the night sky is affecting human health, wildlife behavior, and our ability to observe stars and other celestial objects.



What is Light Pollution slide deck cover


What is Light Pollution activity sheet cover

How to Measure Light Pollution

30 minute activity

To study light pollution, we must be able to measure the brightness of the sky. The Sky Quality Meter included in the Neighborhood Science Kit is a tool for taking precise measurements of sky luminance.



How to Measure Light Pollution slide deck cover


How to Measure Light Pollution activity sheet cover
