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You Are Here: A Novel

True-to-life love stories are a challenge to write because, as anyone who has been in a relationship knows, real life experiences have no predictable beginnings with neatly tied up endings. The opposite of that is what makes romance and rom-com novels so appealing, and they certainly have a place in our reading experiences. David Nicholls has met the challenge with this love story that uniquely has elements of comedy, tragedy, and some life-changing experiences for the two protagonists, older adults Marnie (38) and Michael (42). Each of them has experienced joys, sorrows and disappointments in relationships, and are cautious about making personal connections with others. Each in their own way, prefers their own company. Of course, well-intentioned friends see things otherwise.

Marnie and Michael are two people who are at loose ends in their personal lives, and accept an invitation to go on a coast-to-coast walking tour in England. Going on a challenging trip or trek, not only to complete it, has often been a metaphor for changing one’s perspective on life.This particular long walk is not a leisurely one, but more akin to walking the Appalachian Trail or the Pacific Crest Trail—chock full of physical obstacles. For this coast-to-coaster it is necessary to have proper gear, food supplies, be able to read maps, discern directions, have consideration and patience for the trekking endurance of another person, and be able to deal with unpredictable, inclement wearther. Heavy or light rain has made parts of England verdant and lush. However, when it pours down like a waterfall and prevents hikers from seeing where they are going and gets them bogged down in thick mud, that is something quite different. Sharing all of this might not seem to be the ideal situation for a blind date, or maybe it is just that. There are complaints and blame, woven with wit, candor, literary references, poetry and a possible friendship—maybe even love.

Their perambulations have taken Marnie and Michael to unexpected geographical locations and personal revelations. At the very end of the novel nothing is definitively resolved about their relationship. And, as much as I might like a sequel, I resist hoping there will be one. In this mesmerizing, lovely novel David Nicholls has taken us on an adventure with two complex characters, who might have found true love. For me that is sufficient unto the day.

