The Library will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Emergency Information and Resources

Center for Pacific Asian Families

  • Center for Pacific Asian Families

    3424 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #1000
    Los Angeles, CA 90010
    Hotline: 1-800-339-3940
    Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    Show on Map


L.A. County Service Provider Area: 4

Center for Pacific Asian Families (CPAF) offer free services, that are strictly confidential, and multi-lingual, in more than 30 Asian and Pacific Islander languages.

24-Hour Multi-Lingual Hotline (1-800-339-3940) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Hotline counselors will provide immediate crisis intervention, safety planning, and emotional support. Referrals to other community resources are also available.

CPAF offers counseling and case management to both residential and non-residential clients. This includes individual and group counseling for emotional support; accompaniment to court, hospital, and other social service offices; legal assistance with immigration, divorce, custody, restraining orders, and other issues; assistance in enrollment of public welfare programs such as CalWorks (TANF), General Relief (cash aid), CalFresh (food stamps), and other public benefits; and referral to employment and affordable housing resources.

CPAF provides shelter services to survivors and children in immediate danger. Their shelter services are free, and provide basic necessities such as food, clothing, and toiletries. 

CPAF also operates safe and confidential transitional shelter for women and children to live in for up to one year, helping them establish independent, non-violent households. Advocates provide counseling, case management, parenting classes, life-skills classes, and full-time childcare, as well as link survivors to permanent affordable housing options and job opportunities. 

Population Served: Children & Families, Teen/Young Adult, Single Adults, Women, Immigrants
Resource Categories: Housing, Services
General Resources: Health & Mental Health, Housing Referrals, Legal, Social/Support Services, Temporary Housing
Additional Offerings: Domestic Violence Assistance, Emergency Homeless Shelter, Legal Assistance, Mental Health Services

