Ella's Foundation

  • Ella's Foundation

    3006 S. Vermont Ave. #113
    Los Angeles, CA 90007
    Phone: 323-761-6415 or 323-201-2142
    Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    Show on Map


L.A. County Service Provider Area: 6

Serves homeless males from 18-65 years old providing supportive housing, meals, hygiene supplies, mental health services, substance abuse and employment readiness training. Also has Youth Emergency Housing services with 24/7 staff for males ages 18-24. 

Population Served: Teen/Young Adult, Single Adults
Resource Categories: Housing, Services, Work
General Resources: Health & Mental Health, Permanent Housing, Temporary Housing
Additional Offerings: Emergency Homeless Shelter, Job Skills Training, Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse Services

