Emergency Information and Resources

Curtis Livingston Edwards, Messenger Clerk, Adult Literacy Services


waffle with syrup and strawberries

Waffles and Froffles for International Waffle Day

March 22, 2019

Cooked right, they’re warm and fluffy, with a glaze of buttery-syrupy goodness and a golden color to get anyone up and running to Denny’s at 2 a.m. Cooked wrong, well, waffles are still pretty delicious.

Families fill the Maguire Gardens on Central Library's reopening day

History of Central Library's Grand Reopening in 1993

October 11, 2018

A month after the first of two fires burned through the Central Library in 1986, a collective effort by the City of Los Angeles raised $3.2 million. This was yet another plus in a major reconstructive campaign lasting 7 and a half years.
