graphic novels


photo of a comic book display
Amanda Charles, February 24, 2024

Growing up as a biracial girl in the 1980s and 1990s, there weren't a whole lot of comic books featuring Black and brown characters.

Author Eric Esquivel
Susan Fukushima, December 07, 2022

Eric Esquivel is a Los Angeles-based writer and storyteller working in the fields of Animation, Comic Books, Journalism, and Prose.

Collage of books and a film about cat manga in Japan
Emily Meehan, June 17, 2022

There are a lot of manga series out there to choose from. Between all of the shonen adventures and shojo romance, you may have noticed on the library shelves a certain cuddly creature that is featured in many manga series: cats! That’s right, there are many, many manga series all about cats.

close up of hands holding open a manga book
Eileen Ybarra, March 14, 2022

There are many ways of enjoying great stories and beautiful, engaging artwork—one of these ways is through reading graphic novels and comics. Both express a story with art—but while comics tend to extend the story over a series of issues, graphic novels tell an engaging story in a single book.

Image of George Takei
Monica Valencia, May 01, 2020

George Takei is famous for his role as Mr. Sulu in Star Trek and for being a social media superstar, with over 2.9 million Twitter followers. He is also a national leader in social justice, human rights and marriage equality.

comic panel of comic librarians
Vincent (Vincey) Zalkind, September 12, 2019

“Let’s have a campaign…every child should obtain a library card and use it”.

3 graphic novel book covers
Vincent (Vincey) Zalkind, August 20, 2019

It’s back-to-school time! Time to sharpen up your pencils, meet your new teachers, and grab your list of classics to read for homework. Time to put away those comic books and graphic novels in favor of “serious” literature, right? Wrong!

collage of 5 graphic memoirs

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. Unfortunately, there is much of gay history that has been forgotten because queer authors and artists weren’t offered publishing opportunities.

Captain America punching hilter

Growing up, I loved comics, but it wasn’t until I discovered the graphic novel Maus by Art Spieglman, that I saw my culture and family heritage as a Jewish American in the pages of a comic.

Authors Steve Nedvidek, Ed Crowell, and Jack Lowe and their second book of the graphic novel series The Jekyll Island Chronicles: A Devil’s Reach
Kelli Lowers, January 31, 2019

The Jekyll Island Chronicles is a graphic novel series that combines historical elements with steampunk to create an alternate take on post-World War I history.

