The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

star wars

collage of Star Wars book and movie premier
Elizabeth Graney, May 25, 2024

Still can't get enough of Star Wars? May the 4th beckoning you back? Well, then, immerse yourself in a galaxy far, far away with these Star Wars fiction series. Now, including all titles through May of 2024.

Star Wars logo type and blue and red lightsabers
Salvadora Sosa Prieto, May 24, 2024

In the galaxy of entertainment, few events rival the impact of May 25th, 1977. It marked the birth of an intergalactic saga that would captivate hearts and minds across the cosmos.

Star Wars header with lightsabers
Patricia Valdovinos, June 05, 2019

Read this article in English

¿Eres un fan de Star Wars? ¿Conoces a la mayoría de los personajes y a los actores que los interpretaron?

*Comienzan los ruidos de espadas láser*

lots of star wars book covers
Lauren Kratz, May 03, 2018

“Where are your Star Wars books?” This is a very popular question librarians receive from children and their caregivers at the library.

Star Wars: These are the books you're looking for
Elizabeth Graney, May 04, 2017

Can't get enough of Star Wars? Immerse yourself in a galaxy far, far away with these Star Wars fiction series.
