“Don’t tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon.”—Paul Brandt
In challenging times, travel may be the last thing on a family's mind; however, physical travel is only one of the many ways to see the United States. Technology and free resources from the Los Angeles Public Library make both virtual and armchair travel possible. Museums, national parks, zoos, and aquariums are accessible via virtual tours and experiences. For example, live cams at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, in Monterey, California, provide viewers with real-time observations of marine animals. Additionally, the San Diego Zoo offers virtual field trips for families. E-books and print collections are available with a current library card, where adventurers can explore all 50 states and territories of the United States. This is just a small sampling of many opportunities available to kids and families seeking to expand their knowledge and experiences.
A Road Trip Through America
Explore the United States of America without leaving home! This collection of fun and informative books illuminates the journey from sea to shining sea. Readers will learn about useful travel tips, landmarks, and interesting places to visit.
Songs of America

Songs that stand the test of time become ingrained in the American culture. Here are the stories of two important patriotic songs.
Travel Tales Across America
Throughout America’s history, the invention of many ways to cross the vast U.S.A. landscape are part of the American story. As America expanded, the desire to extend access to the entire country became the dream of many.