Ana Campos, Principal Librarian, Central Library Services

5 datos interesantes de Fernando Llort
Fernando Llort es uno de los pintores más reconocidos de El Salvador. Sus obras de arte se han exhibido por muchas partes del mundo incluyendo Alemania, Estados Unidos, Ecuador, y México. Aquí te brindamos unos datos interesantes de su vida:
Salud, dinero y amor
Es el comienzo de un nuevo año, y con él, la oportunidad de empezar nuevas metas. Te recomendamos que el enfoque de esas metas sean la salud, dinero y amor para asegurar una vida más placentera.
5 datos interesantes de Juneteenth (Día de la Liberación)
Los Estados Unidos tiene una historia obscura sobre la esclavitud de los afroamericanos. Entre esta historia se encuentra Juneteenth, el cual se celebrará el 19 de junio para conmemorar el fin de la esclavitud en los Estados Unidos.
5 Interesting Facts about Juneteenth
The United States has a dark history of slavery. Unfortunately, this is something that is not talked about much. This includes the history of Juneteenth which is celebrated on June 19 to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States.
Interview With Emmy Award Winning ABC News Correspondent and Children’s Author Linsey Davis
Interview With Award Winning Journalist and Author Adrienne Bankert
Award winning journalist and author Adrienne Bankert has released her first book. You might recognize her from her reports on ABC News’ platforms, such as Good Morning America, World News Tonight, Nightline and ABC News Live. Ms.
New Year, New Resolution: Find Joy in the Ordinary
Traditionally the top resolutions at the beginning of a new year for people in the US are about losing weight, improving their finances, and eating healthier.
5 Interesting Facts About the Legendary Civil Activist Martin Luther King Jr.
The birthday of civil activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is celebrated on the third Monday of January in the United States. Dr. King fought for the civil rights of African-Americans with peaceful demonstrations. It was after his death that there was a movement to make his birthday a holiday.
How to Talk to Friends & Family Who Share Misinformation
We all have been given misinformation from family and friends at one time or another, but sometimes it is hard to tell if something is false or true. And when we know that the information is false, how do we talk to our family and friends about it? Or how can we verify the information is true?