The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

International Languages Department, Central Library


Chinese paper cutting

Chinese Paper Cutting

May 24, 2021

The roots of Chinese paper cutting as an art form may date back to the time when paper was invented by Cai Lun of the Eastern Han Dynasty in China. This art form became popular as paper became more affordable. Traditionally, the paper cuts have been used to decorate windows and doors.

Korean American family at river, ca 1900

What’s in a Name? A Century of Asian Pacific American History: 1900-1990

May 21, 2021

Imagine waking up on a remote island one fine morning and deciding to travel to Asia. Which direction would you choose to go?

Collage of 2020 Best of Chinese book covers

Best of Chinese Books 2020 / 2020 館員推薦中文書單

December 31, 2020

新冠病毒大流行改變了人們的生活方式,但並沒有終止我們閱讀的習慣。 在2020年即將結束之際,我們列出中文館員的推薦和高人氣的作品,供您參考。只要登入您的圖書館帳戶,在缐上目錄預訂資料,選擇鄰近的圖書館室外取書服務地點(Library To Go) ,並耐心等候我們的通知,到館領取預訂的資料後就可以開始享受閱讀!

colorful Chinese lanterns

Pan-Asian New Year Celebrations

January 18, 2021

Did you know that the New Year celebrations are among the oldest and most universally observed festivities in world cultures. At the heart of the celebrations is the remembrance of creation and life’s renewal.


Hindi: One and One Make Eleven

August 25, 2015

What is one takeaway one? Can the answer be expressed in Roman numerals? As a number, the concept of zero has come to us by way of Arabic, all the way from India. In India, the preferred official language is Hindi (हिन्दी), which belongs to the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family.
