banned books week
As a follow up to Banned Books Week, which highlights books that are victim to outright censorship or removal from institutions, we want to also cast an eye on a quieter form of suppression.
"The pursuit of knowing was freedom to me, the right to declare and follow your curiosities through all manner of books.
Over the centuries, various forms of expression have been banned or destroyed, and their creators have been censored, imprisoned, tortured, killed, exiled.
Over the centuries, various forms of expression have been banned or destroyed, and their creators have been censored, imprisoned, tortured, killed, exiled.
Here at the library, we closely follow stories of books being banned or challenged throughout the country.
Every year during the last week of September, the American Library Association and libraries everywhere celebrate Banned Books Week. Banned Books Week promotes freedom of expression, freedom of access to information, and the freedom to read.
If you enter the Central Library on Hope Street, there are six sculptures that appear on the facade of the building.
Banned Books Week offers the opportunity to introduce one of the most colorful librarians in city history and her battle with the moralistic mugwumps of fin de siecle Los Angeles.