black history month
As soon as the Rumford Fair Housing Act went into effect on September 20, 1963, both the law and the State Fair Employment Practices Commission, SFEPC, the agency tasked with enforcing it, came under scrutiny from the California Real Estate Association (CREA) and its local member boards.
The fight for racial equality has been fought on many fronts: education, public transportation, and accommodations. But one of the most contentious and, in many ways, still unresolved is the fight to end racial discrimination in housing.
David Greenberg is a former editor of The New Republic and a current professor of history, journalism, and media studies at Rutgers University.
Ideally situated in the Baldwin Hills with panoramic views of downtown Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Mountains, View Park boasts a distinctive mix of Spanish, colonial, Tudor, and ranch-style homes on palm-lined streets with mild temperatures typically ten degrees cooler than those in the rest of the Los
"Art is humanity’s greatest tool for insight."
World War One broke out in Europe in 1914 following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. The United States remained officially neutral and stayed out of the war for several years.
Growing up as a biracial girl in the 1980s and 1990s, there weren't a whole lot of comic books featuring Black and brown characters.
Join us in honoring Black History Month with a special streaming video Black History Month collection on Kanopy. Learn more about the remarkable achievements of the heroes who've paved the way for change by viewing these award-winning narrative films and documentaries.
Music legends don’t start out that way. First, they are children with a love for music and the motivation to learn, even if they face seemingly impossible odds along the way. Below are seven superstars that harnessed their creativity and accomplished their dreams.
Whether you want it hot or cool, swingin’ or slow, Dixieland or experimental, there’s jazz to fit your mood, mellow you out, pick you up. Jazz was born in New Orleans—the only place in the U.S. in the 1800s where slaves were allowed to own drums.