The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.



Black History Month collection streaming on Kanopy
Eileen Ybarra, February 06, 2024

Join us in honoring Black History Month with a special streaming video Black History Month collection on Kanopy. Learn more about the remarkable achievements of the heroes who've paved the way for change by viewing these award-winning narrative films and documentaries.

the visitor movie poster
Randall Hinson, April 14, 2022

The year is 3036. Venusian Fnargs have demolished Earth and fried much of the human race with subthalamic energy beams. Now they scuttle through the smoking rubble of New Los Angeles, hunting down survivors.

Collage of classic and influential films by African-American directors
Alice S., February 11, 2022

For many years it was hard to find and watch many classic and influential films by African-American directors: they were not widely distributed, they were not released on home video, or they were thought to be lost.

Collage of Latinx movies
Hilda Guerrero, September 24, 2021

Cinema, like every other form of artistic expression, is a mirror for the society in which it is born. Each cinematic experience offering a glimpse into the world of the Ajeno, the world of another.

Collage of LGBTQIA feature films
Sheryn Morris, June 27, 2020

Over the years there have been many LGBTQIA feature films, such as My Beautiful Laundrette,

Film posters from the golden age of Japanese cinema.
Alan Westby, May 20, 2020

Among the many outstanding films available to patrons on Kanopy are several classics from the golden age of Japanese cinema, the 1950s.

Collage of television adaptations of books
Elizabeth Graney, May 15, 2020

A common complaint leveled against film adaptations is that they often cut too much of the original material to fit their run time. This is where miniseries and television shows can really shine. With more time to tell the story, they can often provide a more faithful adaptation.

Collage of nature documentaries offered through Kanopy
Hilda Guerrero, May 05, 2020

Many of us have had a plethora of time on our hands lately and it’s no secret that with excess time comes a true 21st century pastime—binge watching.

Let us channel Charles Baudelaire as we wax poetic:

Film adaptations of Shakespeare's works
Elizabeth Graney, April 23, 2020

Did you know that scholars are uncertain as to Shakespeare’s actual birthday? We have a record of his baptism on April 26, 1564 and a burial marker that states he was 52 when he passed, but no more physical evidence to go on.

Film and play adaptations of Shakespeare's favorite works
Elizabeth Graney, April 16, 2020

Ah, April. The month we celebrate Spring, National Poetry Month and the birth (and death) of one Mr. William Shakespeare. Arguably the most famous author of all time, Shakespeare’s works are perennial favorites, having been performed for centuries.

