The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.


a Latinx family reads aloud together on the couch
Sheridan Cazarez, September 16, 2024

Besides being fun for you and your child, reading books aloud together provides many cognitive benefits. Reading aloud sharpens attention skills since children follow the inflections of your voice, take in the illustrations on the page, and decode the text.

Photo of author and his art from
Ana Campos, November 15, 2023

Fernando Llort es uno de los pintores más reconocidos de El Salvador. Sus obras de arte se han exhibido por muchas partes del mundo incluyendo Alemania, Estados Unidos, Ecuador, y México. Aquí te brindamos unos datos interesantes de su vida:

roses and a rhinestone crown for a quinceañera
Patricia Valdovinos, August 30, 2019

*las luces se apagan ... y se ilumina la pista*
* doo, doo, doo, bum, bum, una cuerda de piano, algunos tambores, doo, doo, bum, bum ... *
Tiempo de vals
tiempo para sentir ...

*unas palabras que no recuerdo aquí*
Es tiempo de vivir.
