The Library will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, in observance of Christmas Eve
and will be closed on Wednesday, December 25, 2024, in observance of Christmas.

Will Eisner Celebration: Darnell Johnson

Lauren Kratz, Librarian III, Octavia Lab,
Darnell Johnson

Darnell Johnson is an Atlanta, Georgia-based artist and illustrator. Darnell starts off the year 2021 right with his debut graphic novel Power Up with author Sam Nisson and his debut picture book, the Electric Slide and Kai, with author Kelly J. Baptist. Darnell puts a lot of joy into his art using bright colors, and the characters in his illustrations are also filled with joy and movement. His art will energize readers by just gazing at his work! Darnell pulls inspiration from his faith, family, friends, and life to pour into his illustrations.

How did you get into comics?

My earliest memories of comics come from my visits to the library. I was introduced to Calvin and Hobbs during a summer reading challenge at my local library. From there I saw Marvel, Milestone, and DC comics on the racks in the check-out lines of dollar stores in my neighborhood. I mainly picked them up because I wanted to look at the art. I started to read them later on. Then I would try and draw and write out the stories of my own characters in my room.

"Comics are a great way to introduce a child to reading; they are inspired to dream, then strive to make it a reality".

What’s your 2 minute elevator pitch to parents about comic books?

Comics are a great way to introduce a child to reading. The art satisfies their visual appetite introducing them to worlds unknown. The reading becomes desired because they want more insight. Their imagination is sparked by the vibrant colors and characters that look like them. They are inspired to dream, then strive to make it a reality.

Books Illustrated by Darnell Johnson

Book cover for Power Up
Power Up
Nisson, Sam

Book cover for The Electric Slide and Kai
The Electric Slide and Kai
Baptist, Kelly J.



