The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

Legal Information

  • Legal Information
    • Bankruptcy Court
    • General
      • Offers legal infomation, guidance and forms.

      • Database of State of California Members. Public Services link offers consumer information on finding a lawyer, small claims court, wills, and trusts.
      • Source for codes, cases, and assorted legal information.
      • Browse current legal information written for the public covering subjects such as Accidents & Injuries, Bankruptcy, Criminal Law, Family Law, Estate Planning, and Real Estate. Can search for a local lawyer.
      • LA Law Library provides remote access to some databases: Click Legal Research, then Research Databases, and scroll down to: California Bill Analysis; California Briefs; EBSCO Legal Information Research Center (Nolo Press); LA Law Library Online Catalog, plus information under "Frequently Asked Questions."

      • Listings and links to schools approved by the American Bar Association.
      • Contains various free legal forms, and information on state codes & statutes, laws, U.S. Constitution, and cases.  Browse by topics including immigration, bankruptcy, family, divorce, real estate, intellectual property, and estate legal information.

      • Although written for public librarians, this valuable resource has much to offer to anyone conducting legal research. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the U.S. legal system, the types of legal sources and finding tools available, and the differences between constitutional law, statutory law, case law, and administrative law. Chapter 2 describes how to read a legal citation, while Chapter 5 and 7 provide guidance on researching California law and federal law, respectively. Chapter 9 covers legal resources available for self-represented litigants. Chapter 10 provides an annotated, selective bibliography of self-help resources arranged by subject headings, e.g. art law, bankruptcy, estate planning, landlord-tenant law, public records data, and veterans' rights & benefits. Available online as Flip book and Complete PDF. This is the 6th edition published by the Southern California Association of Law Librarians

      • Information on jury duty, phone numbers, locations of the courts.
      • Directory of U.S. and international lawyers and law firms.
      • Contains encyclopedia of popular legal topics, dictionary of legal terms and free full content of a number of current legal editions such as Foreclosure Survival Guide, Renters’ Rights, Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court, 8 Ways to Avoid Probate, and Living Together.

      • Website for California county law libraries.

      • Created by skiptracers, people searchers and public records researchers. It is divided into six main areas: skiptracing, genealogy, legal desk, insurance desk, government and news.
      • Legal research on the Internet to locate people using public records, annotated guides, online teaching tools, articles on specific research issues and material on evaluating resources.

      • Free legal advice on U.S. and international law (except family law). Site contains articles on legal subjects, basic legal forms, recommended lawyers, and an "Ask a Lawyer" feature.

    • Los Angeles County Courts
      • Superior Court of California for the County of Los Angeles
    • Supreme Court
