The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

Citizenship and Immigration Information

  • Citizenship and Immigration Information
    • The Executive Office for Immigration Review interprets and administers immigration laws by conducting court proceedings, appellate reviews, and administrative hearings. Information is available to locate a representative to assist in immigration proceedings, identify a free legal service provider or find out the status of a case.

    • Citizenshipworks is an online service that guides you safely through every step of your citizenship application. With a Citizenshipworks account, you can fill out your entire application online. If there are any potential problems, Citizenshipworks will connect you to the legal help you need.

    • U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Office presents Civics Practice Test Videos! These short videos simulate the civics portion of the naturalization test. 

    • American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA).
    • Provides the searchable National Online Legal Services Directory for free or low-cost nonprofit immigration legal servces in all 50 states.

    • Easy-to-use interactive website with videos and activities to help people with the civics portion of the naturalization test. 100 questions & answers, lesson plans for teachers, and word list are part of this project through the Smithsonian National Museum of American History and the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services.

    • For new immigrants, find a citizenship class, ESL class, volunteer opportunities and more...

    • World wide travel visa guide. Information about U.S. immigrant and nonimmigrant visas and the requirements to apply for each.

    • USA Learns is a free website that helps adults learn English online. The website was built by the Sacramento County Office of Education.

    • This official United States visa information source answers basic questions about visas and visa policies, different types of visas, visa priority dates, gives information about visa laws and regulations and provides access to the visa application forms and processing fees.
