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Martin Luther King, Jr. & The Black Church: A Legacy of Prayer and Power

Social Science, Philosophy and Religion Department, Central Library,
Collage of MLK and Black Church books

We commemorate Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday on January 15 with a list of books that turn to Rev. King's practice as a Baptist minister and how his beliefs and faith directed his civil rights activism. Rev. King came from a family of Baptist preachers and was educated at Morehouse College, where his mentor was Benjamin Mays, a social gospel activist. Rev. King then attended Crozer Theological Seminary and earned his theology doctorate at Boston University.

The phrase "Black Church" has emerged as a way to acknowledge the importance of institutions of organized religion to African Americans throughout history. With roots spanning continents and centuries, Africans had been indoctrinated into Christianity primarily through slavery. "Those enslaved persons who accepted Christianity found ways to make the new religion their own, infusing the religion of their captors with their African spirituality. There is no Black Church without music and dancing—never was, never will be—and the drum and dance would be unifying forces of Black forms of worship, expressing adulation and exaltation, signifying inheritance and belonging." (Henry Louis Gates, Jr.)

This unique religious expression has defined the Black Church as a long-standing cultural force throughout history, leading to its prominence in African American communities. Al Sharpton said, "The Black Church was more than just a spiritual home. It was the epicenter of Black life." Businesses, education, and political movements throughout the African American community can trace their pathways back to the church.

Rev. King's spiritual home in the Black Church was a natural setting for organizing civil rights amongst congregations. Later, as head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Rev. King toured Black Churches throughout the country. Many of Rev. King's touchstone sermons addressing racial equality and voting rights were first given at Sunday services.

Below, you will find a list of suggested books giving the combined story of Rev. King and the Black Church.

Recommended Reading

Book cover of African American theology : an introduction
African American Theology: An Introduction
Ware, Frederick L.

Book cover for Alabama v. King: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Criminal Trial That Launched the Civil Rights Movement
Alabama v. King: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Criminal Trial That Launched the Civil Rights Movement
Abrams, Dan

Book cover of The autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.
King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Book cover of Becoming King : Martin Luther King, Jr. and the making of a national leader
Becoming King: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Making of a National Leader
Jackson, Troy

Book cover of Black church beginnings : the long-hidden realities of the first years
Black Church Beginnings: The Long-hidden Realities of the First Years
Mitchell, Henry H.

Book cover of Black religious experience : conversations on double consciousness and the work of Grant Shockley
Black Religious Experience: Conversations on Double Consciousness and the Work of Grant Shockley
Foster, Charles R.

Book cover for The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song
The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.

Book cover of The black church : this is our story, this is our song
The Black Church: This is Our Story, This is Our Song [DVD]

Book cover of Daddy King : an autobiography
Daddy King: An Autobiography
King, Martin Luther, Sr.

Book cover of The divided mind of the Black church : theology, piety, and public witness
The Divided Mind of the Black Church: Theology, Piety, and Public Witness
Warnock, Raphael G.

Book cover of Fortress introduction to Black church history
Fortress Introduction to Black Church History
Pinn, Anne H.

Book cover for Gospel of Freedom: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail and the Struggle that Changed a Nation
Gospel of Freedom: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter From Birmingham Jail and the Struggle that Changed a Nation
Rieder, Jonathan

Baptist minister, civil rights and nonviolent activist, Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested for unlawful political protests against racial segregation. On April 16, 1963, he wrote an open letter to the world, stating there is a moral obligation to break unjust laws, in nonviolent ways, instead of waiting forever for justice to come through the legal system.

Book cover of The ground has shifted : the future of the Black church in post-racial America
The Ground has Shifted: The Future of the Black Church in Post-Racial America
Fluker, Walter E.

Book cover of In my grandmother's house : Black women, faith, and the stories we inherit
In My Grandmother's House: Black Women, Faith, and the Stories We Inherit
Pierce, Yolanda Nicole

Book cover of King among the theologians
King Among the Theologians
Erskine, Noel Leo

Book cover of Martin Luther King, Jr. : an oral history of his religious witness and his life
Martin Luther King, Jr.: An Oral History of His Religious Witness and His Life
Moldovan, Russel

Book cover of The papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.
King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Book cover of Plantation church : how African American religion was born in Caribbean slavery
Plantation Church: How African American Religion Was Born in Caribbean Slavery
Erskine, Noel Leo

Book cover of The preacher King : Martin Luther King, Jr. and the word that moved America
The Preacher King: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Word That Moved America
Lischer, Richard

Book cover of To the mountaintop : Martin Luther King, Jr.'s sacred mission to save America, 1955-1968
To the Mountaintop: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Sacred Mission to Save America, 1955-1968
Burns, Stewart

Book cover of Toward a theology of radical involvement : the theological legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Toward a Theology of Radical Involvement: The Theological Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ivory, Luther D.

Book cover of We shall overcome : Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Black freedom struggle
We Shall Overcome: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Black Freedom Struggle



