Christa Deitrick, Librarian, Literature & Fiction Department

Horror and Chick Lit and Sci Fi–Oh My! Unconventional Christmas Fiction
If Scrooge makes you snooze and The Gift of the Magi has lost its holiday mojo, I am here to offer you some unconventional options. Our shelves are filled with seasonal fiction in a wide variety of genres, many of which you might find delightfully unexpected.
What's in a Name? Final Acrostic Poems by Library Staff
Here is the last batch of acrostics written by staff members of the Los Angeles Public Library. It’s amazing how a simple exercise like this can add a welcome jot of fun to our daily lives.
What's in a Name? More Acrostic Poems by Library Staff
Read on for the second batch of astonishing acrostics written by the bards of the Los Angeles Public Library!
What's in a Name? Acrostic Poems by Library Staff
At long last, here is the first batch of acrostic poems written by Los Angeles Public Library staff members. They are as charming and unique as the individuals that penned them. Enjoy, and stay tuned for the next two installments!
Farewell, Haiku Friday! It’s Time to Chow Down on the Final Poems About Your Favorite Food
We hope you’ve enjoyed the scrumdiddlyumptious poems created by Los Angeles Public Library staff members as part of our celebration of Asian Pacific Heritage Month. Thanks for sticking with us all the way to the dessert course!
Sayonara, Tanka Tuesday! Here Is the Last Batch of Tanka Poems About Your Favorite Food
Here they are—the last few tankas written by Los Angeles Public Library staffers in celebration of Asian Pacific Heritage Month. It’s not too late to join in the fun by posting your own poem to Instagram.
Happy Haiku Friday! Here’s Another Batch of Poems About Your Favorite Food
As we head into Memorial Day Weekend and the feasting that often involves, consider this latest group of poems as your appetizer.
Hey Everybody, It’s Tanka Tuesday! Here Is a Brand-new Batch of Poems About Your Favorite Food
As part of our celebration of Asian Pacific Heritage Month, Los Angeles Public Library staffers were challenged to write a haiku or tanka poem about their favorite food. We unveiled the first group of haikus last Friday, and now it’s tanka time!
Hang Onto Your Hashbrowns—it’s Haiku Friday! Time to Enjoy the First Batch of Haikus About Your Favorite Food
Last week we threw out a new poetry prompt for the month of May, asking Los Angeles Public Library staff to write a poem about their favorite food or dish.
Riding Off Into the Sunset: Final Odes to My First Car
It’s the last day of National Poetry Month, and what better way to close it out than by sharing the final batch of poems Los Angeles Public Library staff members wrote in honor of their first cars?