Bob Timmermann, Senior Librarian, History & Genealogy Department



Book Cover

Henrietta Lacks' Family Finally Gets to Have a Say

August 10, 2013

Henrietta Lacks was a 31-year old woman from the Baltimore area who died from ovarian cancer back in 1951. Some cells from her body were taken, without her family's consent, by medical researchers shortly before she died. These cells were grown over time and were used in many aspects of medical research.

House of Pizza menu cover

A Brief Historical Tour Through Los Angeles Dining

December 28, 2012

One of the great advantages of living in Los Angeles is the ability to go out to find cuisine of just about any type.

melting snowman in a field

Snow In Los Angeles

December 13, 2012

As the start of winter draws near (the winter solstice will be on December 21 in 2012 and it happens at 3:12 am on the West Coast according to the U.S. Naval Observatory), most of us will see snow.

