fall traditions
"¿Ya le pusiste el altar a tu abuela? Ella va a venir con sed." Mi mamá me avisa que ya es tiempo de poner el altar para mi abuela y también para los otros seres queridos que ya no están con nosotros.
Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a significant Mexican tradition in which our dearly departed memories and souls are honored.
Fall officially begins with the autumnal equinox, which fell on September 22nd this year, but it is with the end of Daylight Saving Time that Fall kicks into high gear. Time is interrupted and abruptly travels backward; under the shadow of the night, 2 a.m. mysteriously becomes 1 a.m.
Just before the Harbor Freeway ends and spits you into San Pedro, a large orange-colored object within the foothills leading to Palos Verdes usually catches your eye. Even on a foggy day, it stands out among a wall of squat white cylinders and brown earth surrounding it.
The Varrio Vamps and the Chulita Vinyl Club are two very cool female-centric crews who prove that cars and records are not just for guys. Whatever your interests or activities, it can be rewarding to join a club of like-minded people who share the work and the play—or start your own.
Are monster parties real? As the 90s comedy revue Mr.
Rachel Howe is an artist and healer, who created her multidimensional brand Small Spells in 2013, after graduating from Parsons School of Design and working in the art world in New York for over a decade.
Twilight creeps into the afternoon, and the autumn nights grow dark and gloomy. Dead leaves rustle, weird things lurk in the shadows… Halloween is on the way!
Over the years, the witch has become a popular figure and costume choice for our modern commercialized holiday rituals.
With trick or treating discouraged and haunted houses officially canceled, this year’s Halloween will be a bit more low key. But that doesn’t mean it has to be less frightening! We’ve got plenty of scary books and their film adaptations to keep you up through these long dark nights.