Teens & Young Adult Jobs

Los Angeles County Youth Services for Job Seekers

Los Angeles County, a partner in America's Job Center of California, works with other County Departments, cities, local Workforce Investment Boards, Non-Profit organizations and businesses throughout the County to provide employment opportunities, tutoring, occupational skills training, counseling, and mentoring to prepare youth ages 14 through 24 with the tools necessary to make sound decisions regarding their future and career choices. 


Online member community of teens (14 and older) seeking jobs; full-time, part-time, summer, seasonal, intern or volunteer, work experience; and/or other ways to earn money & the organizations that want to reach them. Offers free access for visitors and basic service; charges a one-time fee for "premium" membership.

Hire LA's Youth

City program to put young adults ages 14-24 who live in the City of Los Angeles to work, providing first time job experience. Mayor's Office is partnering with the LA City Council, the City’s Workforce Development System, the Community College District, the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce and community businesses and organizations.
