Angi Brzycki, Senior Librarian, Digitization & Special Collections

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Interview With Zine Maker - Yeiry Guevara
Yeiry Guevara is a writer, translator, multimedia artist, and arts administrator. She has been published in Texas Monthly, VICE, and Remezcla with several gallery exhibitions in New York and Texas. She has also presented at the L.A. Times Festival of Books, L.A.
Interview With Zine Maker - Sanaa Khan
Sanaa Khan is from the Bay Area. She produces her own art and helps bring other folks' projects to life (through Tiny Splendor Press (TSP) and Max's Garage Press (MGP) in Berkeley with her partner Max Stadnik).
Interview With Zine Maker - Yumi Sakugawa
Yumi Sakugawa is a second-generation Japanese-Okinawan-American interdisciplinary artist, and the author of several published books including I Think I am in Friend-Love With You: Your Ill
Interview With Zine Maker - Russell Quinn
Russell Quinn is an artist, designer, and programmer. He works independently as False Vacuum. Russell left the UK in 2005 and has lived in Denmark, Switzerland, and rural California. He is currently based in Los Angeles.
Interview With Zine Maker - Elizabeth Crawford
Originally from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York City, Elizabeth Crawford came to Los Angeles four and a half years ago. Elizabeth is a Middle and High School librarian and the program coordinator for Humanities in the City.
Interview With Zine Maker - Alice Wynne
Alice Wynne is a Los Angeles based zinester and writer. Alice loves coffee, community, learning stories, and researching.
Interview With Zine Maker - Tori Holder
Tori Holder is an illustrator and comics artist from Los Angeles, CA. Her work deals with capturing the beautiful mundanities of everyday life through image and text. Her works include Sorry For The Inconvenience and Relationshit, among others.
Interview With Zine Maker - Tracy Park
Tracy Park is a freelance animation producer, artist, and zinester who has been fortunate to call Los Angeles her home for the last 15 years. She is the proud daughter of Korean immigrants and the proud but exhausted mother of two spirited children.
Interview With Zine Maker - Suzy González
Suzy González is an artist, zinester, curator, and educator based in San Antonio, TX. She has exhibited, attended residencies, and curated exhibits across the country.
Interview With Zine Maker - Mick Washington
Mick Washington is a 22-year-old comics artist from Dallas, Texas. As a member of an art collective called the Iguana House, they help put on live music shows and comic readings.
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