Elizabeth Graney, Librarian, Literature & Fiction Department

Read it First: At Home Edition - Shakespeare with a Twist!
Did you know that scholars are uncertain as to Shakespeare’s actual birthday? We have a record of his baptism on April 26, 1564 and a burial marker that states he was 52 when he passed, but no more physical evidence to go on.
Read it First: At Home Edition - Shakespeare With Familiar Faces
Ah, April. The month we celebrate Spring, National Poetry Month and the birth (and death) of one Mr. William Shakespeare. Arguably the most famous author of all time, Shakespeare’s works are perennial favorites, having been performed for centuries.
Read it First: At Home Edition
Movie theaters may be closed and many films delayed, but fear not!
Star Wars: These Are the Books You're Looking For
Can't get enough of Star Wars? Immerse yourself in a galaxy far, far away with these Star Wars fiction series.
Read it First! Film Adaptations Headed to Theatres Near You: February 2015 edition
If you've heard it once, you've heard it a million times—the book was better. There's nothing like debating the differences between a favorite book and its translation to the screen.