Elizabeth Graney, Librarian, Literature & Fiction Department

Read It First! Movie Adaptations in Theaters This Month
It feels good to be back! After 19 months, films are once again back in theaters! It’s time for this blog to return to its original purpose, to let you know about new film adaptations as they hit the big (and small) screen.
Read it First - Banned Books on the Big Screen
Every year during the last week of September, the American Library Association and libraries everywhere celebrate Banned Books Week. Banned Books Week promotes freedom of expression, freedom of access to information, and the freedom to read.
Read it First - The Origins of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
While there are currently 24 (and counting!) films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the majority of these feature original writing, with the Marvel characters we know and love in new and exciting plots.
Read it First: Streaming Stories
With Los Angeles County cases of Covid-19 falling and vaccination rates going up, life is slowly resuming a sense of normalcy. Restaurants are allowing indoor dining service, movie theaters are reopening and we’re all ready to breathe a sigh of relief.
Read it First: LGBTQIA Pride Month
Happy Pride Month! Observed each June to honor the Stonewall Uprising, LGBTQIA Pride Month is a celebration of the LGBTQIA community, their contributions to our history and culture, and their continued fight for equality and visibility.
Read it First: Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month during which we celebrate the achievements and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans to the history and culture of the United States.
Read it First: Literary Sleuths on the Silver Screen
This month marks the 180th anniversary of the publication of Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “Murders in the Rue Morgue.” Widely recognized as the first modern detective story and the progenitor of the fictional detective character, “Murders in the Rue Morgue” is also considered the first locked room mystery
Read it First: Women Writers
Since the publication of Anne Bradstreet’s book of poems The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up In America in 1650, women have been writing and publishing in America.
Read it First: African American Heritage and History
Celebrated nationwide every February, African American History Month looks to honor African American heritage, history, culture and identity.
Read it First: From Memoir to Movie
Happy New Year! Was there ever a year more happily left in the dust? As we say goodbye to a universally tragic and trying year, we may be looking ahead with some trepidation. Will 2021 bring us the respite we so desperately need?