

2 movie posters and the books they came from
Elizabeth Graney, June 10, 2022

If you've heard it once, you've heard it a million times—the book was better! There's nothing like debating the differences between a favorite book and its translation to the screen.

Collage of films adapted from books
Elizabeth Graney, May 04, 2022

If you've heard it once, you've heard it a million times—the book was better! There's nothing like debating the differences between a favorite book and its translation to the screen.

Collage of films adapted from books
Elizabeth Graney, April 11, 2022

If you've heard it once, you've heard it a million times—the book was better! There's nothing like debating the differences between a favorite book and its translation to the screen.

Collage of books and their movie adaptations
Elizabeth Graney, February 04, 2022

If you've heard it once, you've heard it a million times—the book was better! There's nothing like debating the differences between a favorite book and its translation to the screen.

Collage of films and their adapted books
Elizabeth Graney, January 07, 2022

If you've heard it once, you've heard it a million times—the book was better! There's nothing like debating the differences between a favorite book and its translation to the screen.

Collage of films adapted from books
Elizabeth Graney, October 04, 2021

It feels good to be back! After 19 months, films are once again back in theaters! It’s time for this blog to return to its original purpose, to let you know about new film adaptations as they hit the big (and small) screen.

Film adaptations of Shakespeare's works
Elizabeth Graney, April 23, 2020

Did you know that scholars are uncertain as to Shakespeare’s actual birthday? We have a record of his baptism on April 26, 1564 and a burial marker that states he was 52 when he passed, but no more physical evidence to go on.

Looking up at the dark, starry night sky with a telescope
Jack Stephens, April 13, 2020

Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Stephen Hawking

Book covers
Robert Anderson, April 09, 2020

Like the current year, 1920 was an eventful one for the United States. The “Spanish Influenza” epidemic of the previous two years, which we’ve heard a lot about recently, had taken 675,000 American lives, including more than half of the 116,000 who died while serving in World War I.

a man and his giant record collection
Daniel Tures, April 07, 2020

Way back in the 1980s, for that BFF or pen pal or special someone, you would make mixtapes. The perfect set of songs, lovingly curated to express your eternal friendship, your inspiration, the dark abyss of your misunderstood heart, your super coolness or your tender feelings.

